I’ve been talking about going up to this mine for sometime and today we went. I thought it would be a great photoshoot place, but it took a while to figure out how to get there and there was a hike involved…so WE thought it was great, but perhaps not for a family all dolled up.
What a beautiful, warm and sunny day. Can’t get enough of my cute husband and kids.
Hey Leah, you don’t know me. I am Katie Bell’s (oops, I’m supposed to call her Smith, huh?) big sister. We may have actually met at BYU Hawaii cause I came to visit her twice while she was there. I don’t remember if we met or not. Your photography is always BEAUTIFUL! Did you take classes or do you just have a natural talent? I like to check out your blog just to see your pictures. Your family is so beautiful.
what a fun idea! I love the pictures of your cute family! the white stuff is great for shots!!
It’s so great when those family dream dates come true. The only suggestion I have is that you should have doubled or dragged along an “extra” so YOU could have gotten in the shots! They were great!
It’s so great when those family dream dates come true. The only suggestion I have is that you should have doubled or dragged along an “extra” so YOU could have gotten in the shots! They were great!
love your cute family.
Just noticed the outfit theme- everyone’s wearing long sleeve shirts w/ tshirts over top. How cute Leah.
Great shots!
What a nice view!
hey leah… i met you at amy’s house last week. >just wanted to comment on your photography. you are so great. i love your use of natural light. i’m just getting into photography so i love looking at all you pros.>great job!!
Just so everyone knows, the “White stuff” is likely a very large pile/hill of anthrax or asbestos.
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gorgeous! I love your family, too. You never cease to amaze me with your talent.