Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category
Lucy meeting her sister for the first time.
Isaac holding Kate.
And he even changes diapers…
Our second day at home, I asked Isaac to hold Kate while I was cleaning up. He held her for a good 20 minutes and I came back to this.
And then Lucy wanted to take a “nap” with her too.
She’s already smitten with her daddy.
Darling Naomi Megan of Rockstar Diaries asked me to weigh in on what I have learned and am still learning about being a mother while she’s out being a mom to her new little bundle of love. Head on over and check out her blog if you’re interested. She’s beautiful, talented, uber cool and reminds me that a little red lipstick goes a long way toward making you feel like a million bucks. Congratulations Naomi!
I’m operating on about two hours of sleep. My best friend had her baby early this morning and I’ve been too wired since she texted me at 2am that she was on her way to the hospital to sleep. I ended up racing to the hospital at 4:30am, making it just in time to take pictures of baby Grant’s birth, something I’ll never forget. (pictures to come)
I came home realizing that my own child’s birth is around the corner. Around a very near corner (two weeks or less people). The last couple months I’ve refused pictures because I’m large and in charge and don’t feel quite like myself. But that all changed today. As soon as Isaac came home from school (pretty sweet that my six-year-old is my photographer), I begged him to take some pictures of me, chubby and all. I want to remember that my body was capable of nurturing this baby. That my stomach stretched to contain her. That my ribs are bruised because there’s not enough room for her in there. What a truly wonderful and amazing thing it is to be a mother, no matter how your children come to you.
My house has been overflowing with cousins and I love it because it doesn’t happen very often. Spending some time with my sisters was the cherry on top. Next time we’ll have to make sure Sara can be here too!
Mila, 6 months old and red-headed. We have no idea where that came from. She and Sage are my sister Emily’s daughters.
My sister Laura and her baby Isla, 4 months.
All the cousins in attendance. Isaac is a little outnumbered.
Isaac insisted on a “funny face” picture.
The two babies. Two months apart and pretty much the same size and soooo dang cute.
The sisters, minus our oldest sister Sara. Emily, Laura and me.
Most of you who follow this blog will remember the tragedy that happened that last year in August. We hadn’t taken Isaac back to the Burn Unit for some time, so we went this past Saturday. They were pleased with the healing, though they said that Isaac is prone to scarring (I guess it’s a hereditary thing) and that the worst of the burn is still pretty thick and hard. He will continue to wear his burn compression garment 24/7 and they are adding built-in silicone padding to put extra pressure over the worst of the scarring in hopes that it will soften. It’s amazing to me to see how our bodies are able to heal themselves. This burn was about from his hip to his knee. As you can see, the top part of his thigh is almost entirely normal looking, though lighter in color.
Geoff and I continue to feel so blessed that this was the extent of the accident and that it wasn’t worse than it was, though honestly, at the time it felt as though it was just about as bad as it could get. His leg was completely raw, he was in extreme pain for at least a month, during which we had to carry him around most of the time. They originally thought that it would restrict him from carrying on a normal active life in the way of running and playing, but miraculously it has not affected him in the least. We are so grateful for all the prayers that were given on his behalf and for the miracle that is our bodies.
Pretend with me that it is warm and sunny outside. That my kids and I are still tan and blond. That I didn’t get the worst flu/cold over the holidays and stay in bed for a full three days. That I don’t feel massive, hideous and that I wear something other than comfy pants everyday. Ahh, I feel better.
Since we ended up sticking around here for Christmas this year, we hosted Christmas Eve night at our house. Tradition in the Wright family is a big smorgasbord where everyone brings their favorites and we gorge ourselves, and then we have a Christmas program which includes games, the Nativity reenactment, and time to share our feelings about our Savior. It was a perfect evening, ended by Christmas Eve jammies and then we headed over to Geoff’s parents’ house to spend the night.
The smorgasbord. I make homemade egg rolls every year.
Dennis (Geoff’s dad), was given a BYU Snuggie. We were rolling.
All the girls in our aprons made by Geoff’s 92 year old grandma.
The boys and their new toys. Isaac is out skiing with Geoff as I type this. The snow is coming down right now, so it should be a good day.
Isaac with his gift from Lucy, dart guns. He’s very serious about them as you can tell.
Lucy sporting one of her new princess dresses and accessories.