Isaac loved getting full attention from Ami and Poppy. He spent the entire day with them while Geoff and I went to Boston. Thank you mom and dad!
We had the best time in Boston! We met up with our tour guide for the day, Amberli, who took us along the Freedom Trail and on to Little Italy and Harvard Square. It was SO great to see my dear Berli again! Geoff and I are secretly real jealous of their location.
Church island is a quick boat ride from RDC. Everyone is invited to attend church at the outdoor chapel and worship together. It just beautiful there and what’s more fun than walking around barefoot on the docks afterwards, enjoying the beauty of Squam Lake and its many islands.
Spending time with my sister Emily is always a treat. She always brightens wherever she is with her love of life and contagious laugh.
We’re off to a family reunion of sorts with my side of the family in New Hampshire at a family camp that has been in my mom’s line for ages. If you’re interested, check out to see where we’ll be. We’ll be back on the 12th with lots of pictures!
What can I say about being a mom? I honestly thought I knew what to expect, but I have found that everyday is a new discovery and filled with new emotions I never forsaw. Words can’t really express the feelings I have for my little boy. He’s made me a whole person. I love him with all my heart and soul. What a wonderful blessing to learn the true meaning of selflessness from such a sweet spirit, all bundled up in a blue-eyed, strawberry-blond boy.
“Slackline is an art of dynamic balance. It is akin to tight rope and high wire but uses tubular nylon webbing.” My brother Seth brought his nylon webbing (he’s a slackline master) and the boys put it between two trees in our front yard. It is HARD! I didn’t even get close to mastering it. By the end of the night, Geoff was able to walk from one end to another!
Geoff and my brother Seth took off yesterday for a bikeride, and this is how they returned! They were up at Squaw Peak during the crazy hurricane-like conditions of yesterday. Our power was out for 2 hours and I was worried that they wouldn’t make it back ok as I watched large trees blowing down our street! Thankfully, they had a blast, though it took another hour to hose themselves and their bikes down.
So Amy and I decided to treat ourselves and the kids to a trip to McDonalds. It was well worth it. Isaac has gotten quite brave on playground equipment and took off down the slides and up the stairs, returning briefly for a bite of chicken nuggets from time to time. Livi got a bit more brave towards the end, but was quite content to watch all the crazy kids running around. I think the highlight of the excursion was when I spotted Isaac throwing something away, only to realize that it was a small child’s shoe which I then had to fish out of the garbage. I really think that the picture of Ronald “watching over” the kids is one of my most favorite pictures. Creepy! Who ever thought up that mascot did not have children.