Geoff’s parents and his brother and sister came over for dinner tonight. We had homemade egg rolls, bbqed prawns, rice and watermelon. It was delicious! I’m grateful for this day to take time to really appreciate my husband and the wonderful father that he is. We are one lucky family to have him!
Talk about some SERIOUS static electricity.
Isaac loved the swings.
Some funky walk he was doing. Note to viewer: Isaac decided to sit in the fountain which was on the premises and therefore we had to remove his clothes.
Stealing another child’s intertube.
Giving dad a “purple-nurple”. I was laughing so hard, getting it in focus wasn’t possible.
My handsome boy.
Going down his first big-boy slide with dad. He loved it!
And once again, handsome.
All I can say is, it wasn’t me. I was doing a load of laundry while Isaac was eating breakfast, came in to check on him, and this is what I saw. Now either this is just cereal-milk instinct, or I need to have a talk with a certain someone called Dad.
My friend Amy Furstenau took this picture yesterday at Lunch Group. I love it. This is the face Isaac makes when I ask him what he thinks of monsters, or if anyone says “scary”. He’s done this since he was about six months old.